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National Sports Day.

Sport is a terrain of struggle to it the name of nation and state in various international events,
 PON I is held the first Indonesia in Surakarta in 9 to 12 September 1948. Opening date, September 9, then commemorated each year as National Sports Day.

The opening of the first PON was unveiled by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Sukarno and closing ceremony performed by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as Head of Olympic Committee of the Republic of Indonesia (Kori) (prior to joining the Sports Committee and since 2007 the Olympic Committee of Indonesia).

National Sports Week I was attended by approximately 600 athletes who competed in nine sports namely athletics, throwing discs, badminton, soccer, tennis, swimming, Pencak silat, Archery and Basketball with the total number of medals (gold, silver, bronze) who contested as many as 108 medals. Participants at the provincial level but not at the level of the City and Residency. There are 13 participants namely Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Madiun, Magelang, Malang, Semarang, Pati, Jakarta, Kedu, Banyuwangi and Surabaya. Champion is the city of Solo or Surakarta in total medals as many as 36 medals. By this time warning the government is attempting to continue to conduct training of national athletes. Athletes continue to be fostered through a tiered mentoring program through sports recreation, sports education in schools, and through intensive coaching clubs, as well as their training camp at the regional and international level in any sport.
